IP changing automatically in 2 different ranges on Netgear router.

I use a netgear router for my wireless connection and since last 2 days i was getting a strange problem. Internet and local network stopped working on all the computers that were connected with my netgear router. I tried to find out a solution on Google but ended up with no useful result.

Finally I decided to reset my router to factory default setting and then I reconfigured it and it worked great after that. It’s not tough at all but then also let me explain it in short.

Here are the steps.

  1. Disconnect your router from you main network but make sure you have power running on your router.
  2. Near power cable you will find a small button inside metal plate, press it for 30 seconds or more using a pen or any other pointed device, it will restart your router that means all the light will go off and on.
  3. After restart of router all of the settings that you configured are gone and router is set as default factory setting.
  4. Connect your laptop desktop with any of its LAN port using a Parallel LAN cable.
  5. Set your computer to get IP from DHCP.
  6. Your computer will get an IP in range of 192.168.1.*, in most cases you will receive IP as
  7. When you received IP on your computer open any browser preferably Firefox.
  8. Type and press enter.
  9. It will ask you for username and password.
  10. Give username as admin and password as password.
  11. Now configure all the setting as you have done earlier.

If you are not familiar with settings what you need to do you can drop me an email I will try to assist you for solution of your problem.

Precaution that you should take care before doing this

  1. Do it only if you are familiar with router setting else you might end up with a down wireless network.
  2. Make sure you right all the things on a paper before resetting router to default factory setting.
  3. Information that you should note down is setting of your ISP, your local network setting that you gave in your router, wireless key and passphrase. Your local and regional settings.
  4. Make sure you take a backup of your router so you can use that router backup whenever needed

Hope it helped you if you find any problem feel free to send me an email on my mail id

Thanks for being here
AP Dubey

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